Thursday, September 18

Misty dawn down on the allotment.

Sparrowhawk, ad male, only shot i got before it was off.


Itsy witsy, one of the orb web spiders.

Think this is an Ichneumon but it seems to be minus it's long ovipositor.


Thursday, September 11

A few habitat shots from the allotments.

Wednesday, September 10

Sparrowhawk, different bird to yesterdays pics, taken in dull and rainy conditions, coming regular to my allotment feeding station.

Monday, September 8

A few images from my recently aqquired allotment, :- Sparrowhawk, always two or three around.

House Sparrow, been at the blackberries.

Common Whitethroat.

The future is orange!

Collared Dove.

The plot.