Monday, July 24

A few moths from the weekends nightshifts at work> Ruby Tiger.

Brown-tail, this moth curls it tail, keels over and plays dead if handled, eventually flew off


Single dotted wave

Common Wainscot

Striped Wainscot?

Small blood vein.

Large Yellow Underwing taken in poor artificial light, moth was a deeper brown than pic shows.

Barred Straw

Silver Y


Friday, July 21

A few pics from a couple of hours at the sewage works this morning :- Turtle Dove.



Green Sandpiper



Hawthorn Shield Bug



Tuesday, July 18

Drinker, moth

Friday, July 14

Little Tern, a few around on the high tides at Cleethorpes in recent days.









Mediterranean Gull, one of two adults present at Cleethorpes at the moment.




Wednesday, July 5

Bordered Sallow near Tetney this morning.

Flowering Rush near Tetney.



Meadow Brown, on Knapweed.




Common Shrew, having a long sleep!

Monday, July 3

Little Egret at Cleethorpes Coast LNR this morning.




Sunday, July 2

Spotted Cranefly.

Saturday, July 1

Broad bodied Chaser, female, Humberston this morning.