Friday, March 28

Dead female Sparrowhawk, found this morning dangling by one leg in my hawthorn bush in the garden, presumably became entangled after diving into the bush after prey, must have suffered a lingering death.

Wednesday, March 26

Grey Wagtail, usually one or two around the patch all winter but this morning for the first time one dropped in close enough for a pic.

Male Reed Bunting in full summer plumage.

Reed Bunting, pair.

Reed Bunting, three males.

Female Reed Bunting, ringed on right leg.

Tree Sparrow.

Tree Sparrow and male Reed Bunting.

Couple of Bank Voles scurrying about under the feeders this morning.

Thursday, March 20

Two Little Grebe on the patch the last couple of days, only the 3rd record in ten years, hopefully they will stay to breed.

Tree Sparrow.

Willow Tit.

Long tailed Tit.


Male Reed Bunting in almost full summer plumage.

Male Reed Bunting in partial summer plumage.

Monday, March 3

More spodgers.

Unusual to see these on nuts.

Long tailed Tit.


Willow Tit continues to be un-cooperative.

Male Reed Bunting in partial summer plumage.

Chaffinch, female.